Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 1 and December 3-RA Program

On both of these nights I collaborated with my fellow Physical Educator, co-worker, and friend (most importantly) Brandon Herwick to show students in the dormatories the movie Murderball. Students got to see everything the rugby players had to deal with as they had varying degrees of disablities. We were able to lead a discussion after the showing of the movie on both nights about what it is like to live with a disability. Some residents shared how they have family members who live with disablities. They said how it made them feel when they are treated differently. It was very interactive and positive. Facilitating conversation is necessary in order to make progress in our society.
Both nights were very successful. I enjoy teachable moments. As I am about to go into student teaching I am bursting as the seems to be a person who passes on knowledge that I have. I will always be a learner, but I am eager for my opportunity to teach.

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