Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12/10 Wheelchair Sports

Today I participated in Wheelchair Sports. I got to play basketball and football. It was a challenge to maneuver the wheelchair, but it was plenty of fun. Throughout the night I was thinking of how much fun this was. I was also thinking of the reality that people deal with when living in a wheelchair. For me it was a few hours of my time, but for them it is a way of life. I then began to think of other dimensions of life in which I would have to use a wheelchair. That can be very challenging.
As a future teacher I know that I will have to have this perspective when dealing with students who have a disability. I need to be able to think on their level when adapting and modifying my lesson plans.
The highlight of my night was merely participating in the activities at hand. I am usually competitive, but I took this experience in and thought of the many challenges I have faced as a teacher in the making. Throughout many of my experiences I have felt that I learn the most. As a future teacher I feel as though I will learn plenty about myself while teaching. As a teacher, I really am just the first learner.

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